Avenue Presents Recap: Influencing Through Content Creation
In late June, our team hosted our second quarterly panel, part of our Avenue Presents series. This time, we invited local influencers and content creators to share their experiences through the lens of Influencing Through Content Creation.
Here at Avenue, we believe in the value of learning from our community and surrounding ourselves with purpose-driven clients, partners and friends — which is why we committed to hosting a new panel each quarter focused on values-driven conversations with women and BIPOC leaders. When our team thought about who contributes to the digital landscape in Portland and has successfully built a personal brand in a way that we admire, Candace Molatore, Chloe Mason and Shivali Kadam came to the forefront.
Each panelist brings their unique perspective and values to their content, making it an engaging and authentic space for their followers and community to engage.
Influencing Through Content Creation
The topic of our second Avenue Presents conversation was “Influencing Through Content Creation.” It was such a joy for me to moderate this conversation and learn more about the influencer landscape, here in Portland and as the industry continues to explode. The three women who joined our conversation bring their own values to their digital communities, embracing themes like body and sexual positivity, authentic lifestyle content and amplification of the communities they identify with.
Our wonderful Q2 panelists were:
- Candace Molatore (@hey.candace)
- Chloe Mason (@chloealexandraxo)
- Shivali Kadam (@shivalikadam)
Because our Q1 panel on “ Making the Leap: Personal Journeys in Entrepreneurship “ was such a hit, we will be doing a reprise of the same topic (different panelists) in Q3 on September 28! In Q4, we’ll be chatting about reflecting, goal setting and resolutions as we head into 2023.
Inspiration and Takeaways from our Panelists
With Influencing on the rise and the way it takes shape evolving every day, we found this hour to be incredibly illuminating and full of authentic sharing. Although each of our panelists approaches their platform and content with a personalized lens, there were many ways they found common ground when it came to empowering their followers and negotiating partnerships.
We asked our panelists a number of questions to glean their advice and expertise, ranging from a focus on their personal values, to how they have grown and run their own brand, to misconceptions about their work (to hear our questions and the panelists’ responses in their entirety, you can check out the recording via our website!). From those questions, here are some of our favorite moments:
- Chloe: “I feel that it is so important to, especially when creating, to be authentic because how it has affected my life has deepened my connection with my community.” (00:06:30)
- Shivali: “ …I have been really focusing on…vulnerability and really focusing on the journey versus the destination of the content I create. So often we see on social media people’s successes and their highlight reel, but we don’t talk about the steps that it took to get there…” (00:11:13)
- Shivali: “I feel like, as women, we have often felt like we needed to fit into really tight little boxes, when in reality women are so complex and fit so many different identities and we do so seamlessly…Women can be it all, and they are.” (00:12:15)
- Candace: “People are always looking for something interesting. Even if a topic has been talked about a million times, it hasn’t been talked about by you as a creator, knowing that you always have a unique point of view in whatever it is you decide to focus on in your content.” (00:22:32)
- Shivali: “I really hope that that’s something we can work towards as a community, as an industry, is putting empathy first.” (00:28:20)
- Chloe: “[Content creation] is about community. If you are not taking in a new way of viewing things or a new way of executing things then it’s hard to grow…” (00:34:08)
- Candace: “From a creator’s standpoint, you have to be able to recharge yourself in order to show up fully, 100% for others, so you need to fill up your cup first.” (00:45:50)
We invite you to watch the video recording from our live panel below.
We are so grateful to everybody who shared an hour of their day with us! The engagement and audience questions really brought this panel to life and we hope that everybody in attendance found this hour to be insightful and educational.
What’s next!
Two panels down, two to go! We’re at the halfway mark and we’re looking forward to hosting another round of panelists in September. As mentioned, we’ll be re-focusing on “Making the Leap: Personal Journeys in Entrepreneurship,” and we can’t wait for you to see who’s on deck.
Our Q3 panel will be taking place on Wednesday, September 28 at 11am and we have a knock-out lineup. Register now on our website (AvenueAgency.com/events) — we can’t wait to see you again!
❤️ The Avenue Team
Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.